Use otrivin nasal spray precisely as coordinated by your specialist, or take after the guidelines that go with the bundle. In the event that you don't comprehend these headings, ask your drug specialist, medical attendant, or specialist to disclose them to you.
To apply the nasal spray, keep your head upright, then spray and breathe in forcefully through the nose at the same time.
To apply the nasal drops, lie on a bed on your back with your head hanging over the edge. Embed the drops and stay in this position for a few minutes. Delicately turn your head from side to side.
Try not to permit the tip of the compartment to touch within the nose, or some other surface.
To keep the spread of contamination, don't impart this drug to others.
Dispose of this drug bottle after use. Try not to spare it for reuse.
Try not to utilize this medicine in bigger measurements or more frequently than is prescribed. An excessive amount of this medicine could be hurtful. It ought not be utilized more frequently than a few times each day (each 8 to 10 hours).
Try not to utilize this for more than 3 to 5 days. Longer utilize could make harm the nasal tissue and prompt unending clog. On the off chance that your side effects don't enhance, see your specialist.
Store this prescription at room temperature far from dampness and warmth.